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The Global Health Network WHO Collaborating Centre

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Global Health Research Process Map 2.0 *beta*

The Global Health Research Process Map is a digital toolkit designed to enable researchers anywhere in the world to initiate rigorous global health research studies. The aim is to provide step-by-step guidance for each stage that needs to be considered when planning a new study. By providing an overview of what needs to be done, and then providing tools, resources, guidance and support for each task, this resource should speed up the study set up process and help you run a robust and high-quality study.


The Process Map and all the content that it directs you to has been gathered and collated in collaboration with researchers from both high and low-resource settings. All of the guidance provided within the process map is pragmatic and can be applied or adapted to all types of studies, in all disease areas.  It provides information relevant to all global health research, including clinical trials, consequently, depending on the proposed research project some aspects of the map can be ignored. Read more

Click on a phase below to explore the process content.