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Tools and Resources
Please share your resources (trainings, policy briefs, toolkits, MOOCs,...
Burden of physical, psychological and social ill-health during and after pregnancy among women in India, Pakistan, Kenya and Malawi
...settings. The study sought to assess the extent and types of maternal morbidity. Findings from this ...
Study Procedures
...Study team responsibilities SOP (.DOC)
Study team training and study handover SOP (.DOC)
Setting the question for a clinical trial
Setting the question for a clinical trial
Setting the right question is crucial to the success of a...
SAMSKARA - Clinical Research of Ayush Medicine
Ethical Issues
Suggested useful literatures relevant to proposed study
General commen...
...settings with infrastructure in place for clinical and preclinical research
Skilled and world recog...
Essential Element 1: Addressing Relevant Question
Global Health Training Centre
...study, and the role of the specific study in the development or life cycle of the therapy should be ...
Epidemiological and surveillance studies on malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, NTDs and COVID-19
...settings (Lead: CERMEL; others: EKUT, CRFilMT, Unikin, FCRM)
Task 1.3 Determine the current prevale...
Discussing trials in Thailand & SE Asia (greetings from Bangkok!)
...study issues in Africa. Are there any researchers out there in Thailand & South East Asia with a...
The Research Question
Global Health Training Centre
...study, the study’s boundaries and the focus of the study. The question also provides the...
A systematic review of motivational interviewing for weight loss among adults in primary care
...settings, which confers unique barriers to providing weight loss treatment. Further, the current rev...
Seminar Archive
...Study Coordinators training program enrolled close to 80 study coordinators in Africa in 2021/22.&nb...
...Study (COCS). The aim of the study is to refine case definitions, establish incidence of t...
Monitoring guidelines
...study, study initiation may not be necessary provided that the study staff have received adequate tr...
...settings, giving key guidance and steps to successfully running such an initiative in a local settin...
Tools & Templates
...setting up a study.
Study CRF Case Record Form; An example of a Case Record Form, used for data col...
Designing programs to improve diets for maternal and child health: estimating costs and potential dietary impacts of nutrition-sensitive programs in Ethiopia, Nigeria, and India
...settings requires effective use of limited resources, but priority-setting is constrained by limited...
Get Involved
...study team with specified members), or ‘request to join’ (where anyone can join on a req...
The Research Question (Part of the Essential Curriculum)
Global Health Training Centre
...study, the study’s boundaries and the focus of the study. The question also provides the...
Develop Quality Assurance Plan
Process Map
...study. Study specific training with everyone involed with the study should be comprehensively planne...