Global Health Training Centre  Choice of Study Design Statement... protocol goes through approval process for a prospective observational study that will include... The framework can be applied to any health research study, regardless of the place, disease f...
...setting up a TB lab in a private facility at Mezam Polyclinic and bringing in the equipment from the... The objectives of these studies are to investigate the relationship between ZIKV infection du... design and research methods (e.g. heterogeneity), learning resources (e.g. Catalogue of Bias) ... team with specified members), or ‘request to join’ (where anyone can join on a req...
Global Health Training Centre
...Study Related Injury Local legal requirements regarding study-related i...
The quest to optimize HIV treatment outcomes in resource-limited settings Damalie Nakanjako (MBChB,... Over time there will be materials and resources highly specific to responding to outbreak...
...settings. The present study was done in the framework of the EU-founded project RISE-Vac. It aimed ...
The magnitude and severity of abortion-related morbidity in settings with limited access to abortion...
...settings. Large scale effectiveness trials are required to further assess the impact of this interve... as a post graduate. This article is part of the network’s archive of useful research... has completed subjects recretment and is now working on data quality control before validation...
...settings. This study used in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with 48 stakeholders in Vi...
...setting up and running high quality studies TOOLKITS Supporting step-wise guidance and off... implementation expertise around the world. It is a clinical research support facility that gui... staff. Your safety is paramount and full training, international standard equipment and full 2...