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GFBR meeting on 'the ethics of data sharing and biobanking in health research’
...settings due to existing disparities in infrastructure and knowledge. Debate is required on how to f...
...Settings Webinar
The Health and Justice team at UKHSA ran a webinar to support the publication of t...
Epidemiology of maternal depression, risk factors, and child outcomes in low-income and middle-income countries
...study of depressed mood during pregnancy and after childbirth. BMJ. 2001; 323: 257–260
Harm reduction and viral hepatitis C in European prisons: a cross-sectional survey of 25 countries
...settings. Harm reduction, HCV testing/screening, and treatment should be scaled up in prison setting...
Participate in Doctors Without Borders (MSF) survey on the value of sharing medical case reports from humanitarian and resource limited settings
This article is part of the network’s archive of useful research info...
Aligning Community Engagement With Traditional Authority Structures in Global Health Research: A Case Study From Northern Ghana
...Study From Northern Ghana
This article is part of the network’s archive of useful resear...
Impact of Musculoskeletal Impairment in Children in Ethiopia
...study we set out to study the impact areas in the lives of children with musculoskeletal impairment....
Research Associate post in Sociology at the University of York
...study and, if the pilot study is successful, the post will be extended for a further 24 months. The ...
...study. More specialist and modular courses are also available.
Every course in the catalogue is wri...
Nursing Now Challenge and The Global Health Network announce co-launch of groundbreaking global work: The 1,000 Challenge
...settings to identify and be supported in solving challenging healthcare issues where they live and w...
Your Global Health Trials
...study start and career development and support. These workshops are easy to set up if a fe...
Conference: Enabling Health Research in Every Healthcare Setting
Conference: Enabling Health Research in Every Healthcare Setting
22-24th November 2022 CAPETOW...
...Study team training and study handover SOP
Study team responsibilities
The global network antenatal corticosteroids trial: impact on stillbirth
...settings and few studies have evaluated its impact on stillbirth. In the Antenatal Corticosteroids T...
MRC-NIHR Trials Methodology Research Partnership Wins Cochrane-REWARD Prize
...setting by local researchers to benefit their communities.”.
Dr. Elizabeth Allen, Scienti...
Antenatal and delivery practices and neonatal mortality amongst women with institutional and non-institutional deliveries in rural Zimbabwe: observational data from a cluster randomized trial
...study was a secondary analysis of data from the Sanitation Hygiene Infant Nutrition Efficacy (SHINE)...
New briefing paper flags priority research questions to improve cleaning practices in resource-limited hospital settings
This briefing paper by the CLEAN research group, first convened in mid-2022 as part of a U...
The REDe Guide to Clinical Research Practical Quality Monitoring
...study is conducted according to the protocol2. That the study SOPs are followed (and so helping achi...
NEURO-ZIKA: Neurological Manifestations of Zika
...study on GBS; the International GBS Outcome Study (IGOS). This study, called IGOS-Zika, was set up a...
Process Map
...study.The DSMB needs to be independent and external to the sponsor and will review the accumulating ...