...settings in Ho Chi Minh City. The aims of her study are to identify ethical and social challeng...
Global Health Training Centre
Example Content Example Training Course Images Content can ...
...setting up, and running of specific research studies. You will also provide guidance on ethics and r...
...Setting Research and Innovation Management Agenda for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) &...
...study results. Journals and funding bodies should insist that trialists make raw data available, for...
...study in different settings, and especially in LMICs. We can help coordinate discussions and support...
...settings I aim to advise on methods, impact and management, and support Aliya’s leadership. I ...
A Comparison of Online versus On-site Training in Health Research Methodology: A Randomized Study A...
...study service-related indicators of access to maternal care in CEE are examined. These include avail...
...settings electronic communication difficulties exist and added challenges exist in managing a projec...
...Settings: The miniPIERS Multi-country Prospective Cohort Study Pre-eclampsia/eclampsia are leading ...
RIAT - Call for Restoring Invisible and Abandoned Trials in the BMJ The Editorial Team This blog is ...
...settings. Despite the importance of implementation research, it continues to be a neglected field of...
The CROWN Initiative: Journal editors lead the way in the effort to standardise outcome measures in ...
...setting or role. The mission is to make research accessible to every nurse and midwife, allowing the...
...setting consultation tool. Three iterative rounds of testing have been completed to refine the inter...
...settings, the study interventions shift sentinel health related behaviours indicators (diet, physica...
...study initiation - even if you're not definitely going ahead). To do so, click 'Enter a Study'. Site...
...study data. Preventable errors in study conduct may lead to avoidable patient harm and may result in...
...setting in Asia. The utmost goal is to bring equity where research happens and who benefits from the...