...study results. Journals and funding bodies should insist that trialists make raw data available, for...
...setting up, and running of specific research studies. You will also provide guidance on ethics and r...
...Setting Research and Innovation Management Agenda for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) &...
Global Health Training Centre
Example Content Example Training Course Images Content can ...
...study (e.g. ensure consent forms and process are appropriate, study activities respect the norms of ...
...setting up and running high quality studies Toolkits Our toolkits provide step-w...
...study did not include complications or any long-term patient outcomes. A retrospective cohort study ...
Generalizability in qualitative research: misunderstandings, opportunities and recommendations for t...
RAPIDE study - recruiting team members for Team 3 Kajsa-Stina Longuère This blog is closed to new po...
...study The evolution of SARS-CoV-2 has demonstrated that emerging variants can set back the global ...
...setting-up and managing clinical trials, in ways that ensure customers satisfaction, to in the last ...
...study about? We are carrying out this study to develop an evidence-led Core Research Skills Traini...
...study participants This usually depends on type of study. A study that requires approval from a spo...
...study was to review maternal sepsis definitions and identification criteria and to report on the res...
...settings in Africa and we can talk more about this if you dont mind. you can email me. @ Ken, I c...
...study materials have been shared and can be accessed in the form of a ‘study implementati...
Madibeng Centre for Research The Madibeng Centre for Research (MCR) has conducted various clinical t...
...study on the association between stroke and SARS-CoV-2 infection, run by Fiocruz in Brazil. This ses...
...study design and protocol, particularly sample size required, expected recruitment time, trial compl...
Locating Zika Social Change and Governance in an Age of Mosquito Pandemics The emergence of Zika v...