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- Across the Global Health Network
A Novel Marsupial Hepatitis A Virus Corroborates Complex Evolutionary Patterns Shaping the Genus Hepatovirus
...Endpoint titers in confirmatory immunofluorescence assays were high, and marsupial antibodies coloca...
About this Programme
...endpoints that are severe disease outcomes or mortality. They more often involve children and are sp...
Participatory Action Research
...endpoints that are severe disease outcomes or mortality. They more often involve children and are sp...
NeoOBS – Protocol
Global Health Training Centre
Primary Endpoint
Mortality at 28 days after enrolment of hos...
Risk Based Monitoring and its impact on Quality
...endpoints are being collected at the site. With the development of electronic diaries to capture rat...
Get Involved in a Study
A Randomised, Embedded, Multi-factorial, Adaptive P...
Start 2021
...endpoint. If you keep this in mind in everything you do then you will run a good study. What is my q...
Limited Evidence for Infection of Urban and Peri-urban Nonhuman Primates with Zika and Chikungunya Viruses in Brazil
...endpoint titers were low at 1:40 in all NHP, and positive specimens did not correspond to the likely...
Conference Insights
...endpoints and potential clinical trial sites in the context of reduced transmission. The potential i...
Implement 2021
...endpoints and how these will be measured.
One team member then leads the process of describing the...
Efficacy and Safety of the Pediatric Formulation of Artemether- Lumefantrine in Children With Uncomplicated P. Falciparum Malaria. This study has been completed.
...Endpoint Classification: Safety/Efficacy Study
Intervention Model: Parallel Assignment
Masking: Si...
Study Initiation visit – check all procedures in place
Process Map
...endpoints)- Reporting AEs and SAEs- Investigational drugs (storage, dispensing, destruction, account...
Research Resources
...endpoint review
Links to Processmap
Data monitoring
The type of monitoring may ...
Drug-Induced Liver Injury (DILI)
...endpoints in clinical DILI investigation and trials
WG5: Dissemination, communication, training pla...
Reciprocal Monitoring: A proven and practical approach to quality management within research networks and centres
...endpoint, This is the light in which we insist that the monitor should be familiar with the protocol...
Tuberculosis: advances and challenges in development of new diagnostics and biomarkers
...endpoints for drug and vaccine trials. Sophisticated bioinformatic computational tools and ...
Essential Element 2: Choice of Control and Standard of Care
Global Health Training Centre
Increased overall participant exposure to risk due to a statistically requisite incr...
Scientific Thinking Area
...endpoints, etc.). They have a deep understanding of statistics as they relate to research design, in...
ACT Consortium – Pharmacovigilance activities and outputs
...endpoints and interactions between ACTs and antiretrovirals.• Qualitative research on trial...
MRC/NIHR Trials Methodology Research Partnership
...endpoints) and methods for staff training (e.g. cost-effective and purposeful methods, blended learn...