...study and different research settings. These templates aim to guide the investigator when they need ...
Meningo-encephalitis and GBS Study Resources Background  This protocol is for a ho...
...study. The purpose of the protocol is to document the study plan, ensuring that an accurate answer c...
...study (e.g. who funded the study, who should be contacted if there are any questions about the data)...
Process Map
...study. This should involve the principal investigator, the sub investigator(s), study pharmacist, st...
...Study Profile ISARIC/ALERRT Clinical Characterisation Protocol (CCP) observational study In...
http://www.plosntds.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pntd.0002199 A Qualitative Study Expl...
...settings range from 0.5 to 2 per 1000 births. However, there is currently no estimate of global birt...
...Study Operations >> Study-specific procedures and plans to facilitate the management of ...
...setting up and use of OpenClinica in Africa with a case study on a large multi-site clinical trial i...
...study brought together leading research institutions in Malawi, India, and Brazil. AIMS & ...
...study found that CBVPE is effective in reducing IPV during pregnancy in the study setting. Scale-up ...
...settings, by a diverse and open community of 255 LMICs health researchers with a rich multi-discipli...
...Settings This article discusses the results of a systematic review and multisite qualitative study ...
Global Health Training Centre
...study design is the system used to carry out the study e.g. case study or observational study. The s...
...Study Operations >> Study-specific procedures and plans to facilitate the management of ...
...studying the pathophysiology of infectious diseases and accelerated testing of vaccines and drugs in...
...Study Operations >> Study-specific procedures and plans to facilitate the management of ...
...setting and received ethical approval from their local review board. The study is underway, with pat...
...setting in western Kenya and similar resource-limited settings. Methods: We sought to use mabaraza, ...